Let’s press the “reset” button and start our lives this New Year. You have to start by stopping living and thinking in the same old way. Try doing something new with these 7 ways to reset your life.

JoyFul is about being cheerful and having fun. Let go of thoughts and feelings that make you feel discouraged or overwhelming. When you notice that you are having these thoughts or feelings, remind yourself. That they are just thoughts in your mind and focus on something more meaningful in your life.
Start New Year Start having fun with the New Year celebrations. Going out with friends and family, having fun and being filled with activities that we do together. Being with too much anxiety will become accumulated stress. That will have a negative effect on our physical and mental health.
Make friends Open your mind and look for new friends. Especially in working age, we tend to meet the same people, the same environment. Old friends are working or have their own businesses or have families so we hardly keep in touch anymore. Open your mind and find new friends who will make you meet cool people who may become close friends in the future. Try choosing to join an activity such as learning how to make pastries, handicraft workshops or volunteering to do social work. It may open your world and meet new friends.
Globalization: Update various trends to keep up with the เล่น UFABET ผ่านมือถือ สะดวกทุกที่ ทุกเวลา times, be up-to-date, keep up with the changing world, know people, know technology because we have to accept that now is the digital age. No matter what age, child, teenager, old, we have to know about the changing technology that plays a role in our work life, our way of life. Don’t think that we don’t want to know, don’t want to study, it will make us unable to talk to anyone.
Health No matter how much money you have, you can’t buy health. Therefore, taking care of your own health correctly and appropriately, eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, taking care of your mental state, adjusting your attitude and thoughts, as well as changing your lifestyle so as not to destroy your health will help you have better physical and mental health, both strong and bright.
Life Long Learning: Always learn new things. The human brain is for thinking, solving problems, and creating. If we don’t give ourselves the chance to ask questions, we will eventually end up bored, depressed, and not knowing which way to go. Learning new things will help the brain age more slowly, allow new brain cells to grow, increase creative flexibility in thinking and skills, and most importantly, make us happy and enjoy learning new things.
The last and most important thing is to give importance to our mental health. Start by sharing happiness with others and reduce selfishness. Sharing has no conditions, no form or boundaries to set fixed criteria. Sharing is a form of giving where the giver aims to help fill what is missing or lacking for the other party, the receiver. And what the giver gets back is happiness in the mind.
Information provider: Prof. Dr. Ronachai Kongsakan