7 sitting positions to reduce belly fat. Sit for as long as you want without fat sticking.

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7 sitting positions to reduce belly fat. Sit for as long as you want without fat sticking. Stiff joints and muscle aches are common health problems today, which affect regular exercise. If you feel tense while exercising and have limited mobility, sitting yoga poses to reduce belly size may be a suitable option. These sitting yoga poses focus on stretching the muscles in the legs, back, and hips. In addition to reducing aches and pains, they also help improve balance and stability of the เล่นบาคาร่า UFABET เว็บตรง ค่าคอมสูง body.

7 sitting positions

7 sitting positions to reduce belly fat. Sit for as long as you want without fat sticking.

1. Seated Forward Bend This yoga pose stimulates all abdominal muscles and helps to tone the abdominal muscles, reducing belly fat in the long run.

  • Begin in a seated position with your legs extended. Inhale and lengthen your spine. Exhale and bend from the hips to bend forward.
  • Reach out and touch your toes, calves or thighs, keeping your back straight.
  • Relax your neck and shoulders, and hold the stretch for several breaths.
  • Inhale to slowly come back up.
  • Repeat as needed, maintaining a gentle stretch.
  • Avoid tension, use assistive devices if necessary.

2. Lotus Pose: Lotus pose is a gentle yet effective way to warm up and stretch your spine, glutes, and abdominal muscles, helping to reduce belly fat. It also increases flexibility and calmness.

  •  Start in a seated position with your legs extended, one knee bent, and your foot placed on the crease of the other hip.
  • Then repeat with the other leg, both feet placed on the corresponding hips, keeping the spine straight and hands on the knees.

3. Wind-expelling pose: This pose targets the lower abdomen, aiding digestion and reducing belly fat.

  • Start by lying on your back with your legs extended.
  • Inhale and pull your right knee towards your chest, hugging it with both hands.
  • Exhale and lift your head.
  • Try to touch your forehead to your knee and hold for a moment before switching to your left leg.

4. Butterfly pose , also known as Baddakonasan, is an effective yoga pose for reducing belly fat, relieving stiffness in the ankles and knees, and improving hip mobility.

  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight.
  • Then bend both knees towards your body.
  • Bring the soles of both feet together and use both hands to hold the soles of the feet.
  • Gently swing your knees up and down like butterfly wings.
  • Keep your back straight to stretch the groin and hip muscles.

5. Lightning pose is a yoga pose that helps stimulate the digestive system, reduces flatulence, and also helps reduce excess fat in the abdomen and thighs.

  • Kneel down on the floor with your big toes touching each other and your knees together.
  • Sit on both heels, keeping your back straight.
  • Place your palms on your thighs or knees and look straight ahead.
  • Take a deep breath and hold the pose for at least 1-2 minutes, focusing on your breath and body posture.
  • To release the pose, stand up slowly, being careful not to impact your knees.

6. Sitting with legs spread wide is a yoga pose that helps stretch the inner thigh muscles and hamstring muscles, increasing flexibility in the hips. It also helps reduce excess fat in the abdomen, arms, thighs, and hips.

  • Sit on the floor with both legs straight out.
  • Spread your legs as wide as your body allows, with your toes pointing up and your heels on the floor.
  • Take a deep breath, straighten your back, and exhale.
  • Lean forward from your hips, placing your palms on the floor in front of you, keeping your back straight.
  • Hold the position for about 20-30 seconds.
  • Take a deep breath and slowly return to your upright position.

7. Bridge pose is effective in strengthening the core muscles, including the abdominal and back muscles, helping to strengthen the body. It also helps to tone the buttocks and thighs and helps to reduce excess fat in the abdominal area.

  • Start by lying face up on the floor with both knees bent and toes pointed up, and feet about hip-width apart.
  • Place both arms at your sides, palms facing up. Inhale and try to lift your hips off the floor.
  • Keep your body straight in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  • While doing the pose, tense your gluteal muscles and core muscles. Hold the pose for at least 20-30 seconds.